10 Health Benefits of Eating Sesame Seeds

Rich in Nutrients

Sesame seeds are packed with essential nutrients.

Heart Health

Healthy fats in sesame seeds lower cholesterol and reduce heart disease risk.

Bone Health

Sesame seeds are rich in calcium and vital for strong bones.

Antioxidant Properties

They contain sesamol and sesaminol, which protect cells from free radicals and reduce inflammation.

Blood Sugar Control

The fiber and protein help regulate blood sugar and benefits those with diabetes.

Digestive Health

High fever content promotes regular bowel movements and prevents constipation.

Skin Health

Zinc and vitamin E support collagen production and protect against UV damage.

Improved Nutrient Absorption

Phytosterols enhance nutrient absorption from other foods.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Lignans reduce inflammation and arthritis symptoms.

Brain Health

Nutrients like iron and vitamin B6 support brain function and cognitive health.

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