
Sleep Study Analysis


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Sleep Study Analysis

Sleep Apnea Test in Hyderabad

Sleep Study Analysis -  A thorough Analysis by CARE Hospitals Experts 

In today's fast-paced life, sleep might be a concern for people of any age group. There are many people who find it a real struggle to fall asleep. If you are struggling with any sleep issues, then CARE Hospitals specialists are there to support you. 

Understand polysomnography - a comprehensive test for diagnosing sleep disorders

Polysomnography is known as a study (comprehensive test) for diagnosing sleep disorders. It works by recording waves in your brain, level of oxygen in your blood, breathing and heart rate, leg and eye movements in the study. You can order a sleep disorder test from us but without understanding from our experts, you may find it more confusing than informational. So, here we are going to offer you different steps to comprehend the report of your sleep study analysis:- 

RDI and AHI indexes

AHI stands for apnea-hypopnea index, this is called a definite metric for determining whether a patient is suffering from sleep apnea or not. It calculates an average number of hypopneas and apneas. In other words, respiratory events contribute to this that causes a specific airflow decrease that a patient is experiencing per hour. You can get to know it as sleeping is normal if AHI is greater than 5 per hour. It is mild, less than 5 per hour but greater than 15 per hour. Moderate, if it is lesser than 15 per hour and more than 30 per hour and severe lesser than 30. 

Sleep disruptions, Ieg movements, and arousals

This is known as sleep apnea. In fact, it has a very confined picture of the brain and respiratory-related events that may disrupt the sleep of a patient. Many varied events may be a matter of concern. Apneas might be the most known trait of such a sleep disorder. These happen if a patient stops breathing for around 10 seconds. However, hypopnea, partial airflow cessation, may prove to be serious. There are also respiratory-based arousals that may disrupt your deep sleep or breathing without getting qualified for the mentioned events. Moreover, our offered sleep study provides a report on the excessive movement of the legs. We take all such factors into consideration while making an assessment of quality sleep. 

Stages of sleep 

Humans have varying sleep stages during the night such as N1, 2, 3, and REM sleep. Adults usually go through these stages many times per night. This cycle might be fragmented and disrupted due to specific sleep disorders and making it impossible for a patient to have a revitalizing and normal rest. For example, sleep apnea may result in arousal that stops people from going into the deepest sleep stage. In the absence of a good cycle, they cannot feel recharged. At the time of sleep study, we use brain monitors to keep a good track of the sleep stage that you experience and allow the technicians to observe sleep irregularities. 

Position of the body

Like sleep stages, the position of the body also impacts sleep apnea severity. Our specialists talk with the patient in detail and also check the sleep postures of the patients themselves. For a sleep study, they ask the patient to sleep on his back for a defined time and observe him deeply. They also study sleep according to the time spent on the right side, left side, on the stomach, and on the back. 

SaO2 (oxygen desaturation)

If a patient stops breathing on a regular basis during his sleep, it means that he is not getting enough oxygen into his bloodstream as per his requirement. Your oxygen saturation is measured by the percentage of oxygen in your body that a patient inhales actually. For people suffering from sleep apnea, the level of their oxygen may fall under 60%. This indicates that the patient is getting half oxygen of their requirement. If this saturation drops below 95%, your body and brain are not inhaling enough oxygen. This may cause cardiovascular issues and brain damage. \

After the above-mentioned studies, the next step is suggesting the best therapies. Here comes the next step by CARE Hospitals experts:-

Depending upon the sleep study analysis, the physician working on the case may suggest the next level sleep study analysis of CPAP therapy. Below are some of the best examples:-

  • In case, a patient has a PSG baseline that indicates sleep apnea. This may further demand a return to a CPAP titration. 

  • In case, the CPAP titration has not been completed, then a physician may require returning for the next CPAP titration or it may be bi-level titration. 

  • For people who have a successful CPAP titration, then a CPAP setup can be scheduled. 

Why is a sleep study necessary?

​​A sleep study is a diagnostic procedure that healthcare providers use to identify or rule out various health issues. This test is typically recommended for individuals experiencing symptoms related to sleep disorders to determine appropriate treatment options or to evaluate the effectiveness of completed treatments. These disorders can impact the brain, nervous system, breathing, and heart function.

Some conditions that a sleep study can help diagnose include:

  • Obstructive and central sleep apnea
  • Narcolepsy
  • Periodic limb movement disorder (including restless legs syndrome)
  • Insomnia
  • Specific types of seizures and epilepsy
  • Night terrors (sleep terrors)
  • Nocturnal panic attacks
  • Sleepwalking and other sleep behavior disorders
  • Sleep paralysis
  • Various parasomnias and sleep disruption disorders.

What are the symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

Many times, it's the person sharing the bed with someone who notices the signs of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, not the person experiencing it. In many cases, the affected person doesn't realize they have sleep problems. Here are some common signs of Obstructive Sleep Apnea:

  • Loud snoring
  • Feeling tired during the day
  • Having trouble sleeping well, waking up often at night
  • Waking up with a dry mouth and a sore throat
  • Feeling sad and anxious
  • Sweating a lot at night
  • Experiencing sexual problems
  • Having migraines

People with Central Sleep Apnea may wake up repeatedly during the night or have trouble sleeping.

In children, the symptoms may not be as easy to spot and can include:

  • Doing poorly in school
  • Feeling sleepy or inattentive in class
  • Bedwetting
  • Night sweats
  • Attention and hyperactivity issues

How does sleep study work?

A sleep study utilizes various sensors to assess the quality of your sleep, as multiple factors can influence it. By employing different types of sensors that monitor specific bodily systems or processes, healthcare providers can gain a comprehensive understanding of your sleep, which is crucial for diagnosing certain sleep-related disorders.

Here are the sensors and monitoring methods used in a sleep study:

  • Electroencephalography (EEG): This method uses sensors coated with a sticky, electrically conductive gel to adhere to your scalp. These sensors detect and record the brain's electrical activity, or brain waves, while you sleep. Different types of waves occur during various sleep stages, making this an essential tool for identifying sleep disorders.
  • Electrocardiography (EKG or ECG): A single EKG sensor is placed on your chest to monitor the heart's electrical activity during the study. This allows healthcare providers to assess any irregularities in your heart's rhythm and electrical system.
  • Electromyogram (EMG): These sensors are attached to the skin, typically on your face and a leg, to monitor muscle movement. Unlike a standard EMG, which can stimulate muscle contractions, these sensors are used solely for monitoring purposes.
  • Electro-oculography (EOG): This test involves placing adhesive sensors around your eyes to track eye movements. You will have four sensors during the sleep study, two positioned around each eye.

How do I prepare for a sleep study?

Preparing for a sleep study is important to ensure accurate results. Here are some steps you can follow to prepare:

  • Consult Your Doctor: Talk to your healthcare provider about any specific instructions or preparations needed for your sleep study.
  • Avoid Stimulants: Refrain from consuming caffeine and nicotine for at least 24 hours before the study, as these substances can affect your sleep patterns.
  • Maintain Your Routine: Try to stick to your regular sleep schedule in the days leading up to the study. Avoid drastic changes in your sleep habits.
  • Limit Naps: If possible, avoid taking long naps during the day before your sleep study, as this can impact your ability to fall asleep at night.
  • Wash Your Hair: The night before the study, wash your hair and avoid using any hair products like gels or sprays, as these can interfere with the sensors.
  • Wear Comfortable Clothing: Choose loose, comfortable clothing to wear during the study. Some facilities may provide you with a gown.
  • Bring Personal Items: If you have any items that help you sleep, such as a pillow or blanket, consider bringing them along to make your sleep environment more comfortable.
  • Discuss Medications: Inform your doctor about any medications you take, especially those that affect sleep. They may provide specific guidance on whether to take them before the study.

​​Side effects of sleep study

There are generally very few side effects or complications associated with a sleep study. The most common issues include irritation or allergic reactions to the adhesives or tapes used for attaching the sensors. Additionally, many people may not sleep as well or for as long due to the unfamiliar environment.

While other potential complications can occur, they are rare and can differ from person to person. It’s best to consult a healthcare provider for specific information related to your situation.

How to treat Sleep Apnea?

Mild cases of Obstructive Sleep Apnea can be effectively treated with non-invasive methods.

Non-Invasive Treatments:

  • Weight loss: Losing even a small amount of weight can be very helpful, especially for overweight individuals, as it can reduce the episodes of disrupted breathing during sleep.
  • Avoiding alcohol and sleeping pills: It's recommended to steer clear of alcohol and sleep-inducing medications as they can worsen the condition.
  • Sleeping position: Sleeping on your back can make the condition worse, so it's better to sleep on your side. You can use special pillows or devices to help with this.
  • Nasal aids: If you have sinus issues, using nasal sprays and breathing strips can promote better breathing during sleep.

Mandibular Advancement Devices: These devices are useful for people with mild to moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnea. They work by moving the lower jaw forward, which helps prevent the tongue from blocking the throat and keeps the airway open while sleeping.

Surgery: Surgical procedures are an option for individuals with Obstructive Sleep Apnea and even those who snore but don't have the condition. Surgery can address physical issues that contribute to breathing problems during sleep.

Other tests that are recommended for sleep apnea 

EEG also called electroencephalogram is used for recording and measuring brain wave activity. 

EOG is also known as electrooculogram and is recommended for recording eye movements. These movements are considered crucial for determining the varied sleep stages, especially REM stage sleep. 

EMG, also called an electromyogram, is used for recording muscle activities such as teeth grinding, leg movements, twitches, and REM stage sleep. EKG also known as electrocardiogram is recommended for recording the rhythm and heart rate of a patient. 

Our sleep study test in Hyderabad at CARE Hospitals offers the best account of what was recorded in six to eight hours of sleep. Our physicians review the study report as well as correlate the patient as per the sleep complaints. As per the observation, we suggest the best clinical management decisions to normalize the sleep patterns and lead to the practice a hygienic sleep, avoid over-the-counter sleeping aids, and prescription hypnotics. Thus, opt for our sleep study analysis and notice changes within a defined time. 

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