
Gestational diabetes


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Gestational diabetes

Gestational Diabetes Treatment in Hyderabad

Gestation is the development period of the foetus in the pregnant mother. When diabetes is diagnosed during the same time, it is known as Gestational Diabetes. It causes the same symptoms as type 1 and type 2 diabetes and hinders the growth of the baby. 

This diabetes, if not controlled or managed, can cause many health-related complications. But if the proper diets are followed, one can control gestational diabetes. Various medications, workouts and diets are available to cope with the blood sugar levels and control them to have a safe and healthy delivery. 

Gestational diabetes is related to pregnancy, hence it will go back to normal once the baby is delivered. Although if not managed on time it can lead to type 2 diabetes. One is required to test her sugar daily and get annual health check-ups to know the status of her health.


Just like diabetes, women may not experience prominent symptoms related to gestational diabetes. Since pregnancy can bring about its own set of signs and problems, one may ignore the basic signals indicating gestational diabetes. The most common symptoms seen are-

  • Frequent urination 

  • Increased thirst 

These can be common with the other issues too. But if the two are being prominent, consult your doctor at CARE Hospitals. We would run a proper diagnosis before giving the right treatment.

Women should get body check-ups and keep a journal of the signs and symptoms of their health. Doctors can provide you with a pre-analysis of the chances to get gestational diabetes.

Doctors can also check for prenatal care options and if a mother develops gestational diabetes, more check-ups are conducted. This occurs at the last three months of pregnancy when the doctor would monitor the baby's health. 

Risk Factors 

There are a lot of risk factors that are involved in gestational diabetes. The women who are at a higher risk for the same are those with-

  • Overweight

  • Obesity

  • A lack of or no physical activity

  • Had gestational diabetes or prediabetes

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome

  • Diabetes in family history

  • Previously delivering a baby with a weight of more than 4.1 kgs

  • Race — Women in Black, Hispanic, American Indian and Asian American races have a higher risk of getting gestational diabetes.


If the doctor sees potential oh gestational diabetes in a mother, he would run a series of diagnostic tests. These are mainly done in the second trimester or between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy.

If you have the potential risks before pregnancy, your doctor would run these tests early. It is for the health of the baby and the pregnant mother.

Routine screening 

  • Initial glucose challenge test- mothers are required to drink a glucose syrup solution and are tested about an hour later. The blood tests are done to know the status of blood sugar level and further diagnoses are made, 190mg/dL will indicate gestational diabetes.

  • If the sugar level is below 140, it is considered normal but can vary- another glucose test may be conducted to know the condition.

  • Follow-up glucose tolerance- It is the same as the initial glucose tests but the sweet solution will be sweeter and a blood sample is taken every 1-3 hours. If 2 readings are higher than expected, it is most likely diagnosed with gestational diabetes. 

  • Physical examinations are also conducted to know the status of the organs. Your blood sugar level, blood pressure, and other examinations can determine further diagnostic plans.

  • Medical histories are known to validate the possible outcome and reason for sugar.


There are 3 main Gestational Diabetes Treatment in Hyderabad or in any other part of India to manage and control sugar in gestational diabetes-

  • Lifestyle changes 

  • Blood sugar monitoring 

  • Medication 

CARE Hospitals provide close management to help the baby and the mother, and further avoid complications during delivery. It is the most important part of coping with gestational diabetes.

Lifestyle changes 

  • A person who eats healthy and works out a good physical activity regime is the one who stays fit and fine. 

  • This is the most important requirement in gestational diabetes. You’re not required to lose weight but keep the muscles moving so that the body is active. 

  • There are different weight goals during pregnancy that can be learned from your gynaecologist.

Healthy diet 

  • Eat nutritious diets that include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. 

  • These all are high in protein and fibre but low in fat and calories. 

  • Dieticians can help you along with the health chart plan- despite the clarified butter loaded sweets, opt for healthy choices and avoid these fats.

Stay active

  • Body wellness is important for women before, during and after pregnancy. 

  • Hence it is important to work out and stay active, which can lower blood sugar and relieve you from cramps and pregnancy issues like back pains, muscle cramps, swelling, constipation and insomnia. 

  • Consult your gynaecologist before you opt for a workout regime. Normally it is okay to work out for 30 minutes-mildly-like walking, cycling, or swimming. 

Monitor your sugar

  • Pregnant women should monitor their blood sugar every 4-5 times a day- before bed, after bed, before the meals, or after the meals. 

  • You’ve to make sure you’re in a healthy range with the prescribed diet plan. 


  • Insulin injections are used to lower the sugar if the above-mentioned treatments don’t work. 10-20% of pregnant women may need insulin injections to treat gestational diabetes or keep up with their blood sugar goals. 

  • There are many oral medications prescribed by the doctor to treat the same but aren’t as effective as insulin injections.

Monitor your baby

  • This is the most important part of the treatment against gestational diabetes where the baby’s health, growth and development are monitored with ultrasounds and tests. 

Why Choose CARE Hospitals 

With the best medical practitioners from all around the world, CARE Hospitals provide the best gyane care in India. Our team of gynaecologists will work along the process to deliver the best to the mother and baby. Our extensive care unit and comprehensive network of medical professionals opt for world-class and quality graded services and Gestational Diabetes Treatment in Hyderabad.

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