
Chin and Cheek Implants


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Chin and Cheek Implants

Chin and Cheek Implant Surgery in Hyderabad, India

Chin and cheek implants are used to create symmetry or balance and proportion to your facial features. The procedure may be done separately or as a part of other facial contouring surgeries such as neck lifts, facelifts, cosmetic nose surgery, or other procedures.

Chin and Cheek Implants are suitable for people who have a weak and receding chin. It is the best option for people who want to make it more projecting and improve their jawline. Chin and cheek implants also help to enhance the fullness of your cheeks. It is suitable for people who want to improve the contour and proportion of facial structures. This surgery is also the best option for people who want to correct facial symmetry or deformities that may occur due to injury or congenital problems.

When considering chin and cheek implants you must look for a certified, trained, and experienced cosmetic surgeon having specialization in this particular field. You can choose CARE Hospitals for this procedure as the hospital has a team of highly experienced and trained cosmetic surgeons who perform simple to complicated surgeries without giving much pain and discomfort to the patient.

CARE Hospitals provides chin surgery in Hyderabad also known as genioplasty or mentoplasty is done to reshape the chin by using an implant. It is done by cutting the boney chin and moving it forward or by reducing the chin bone. Similarly, cheek implants are used to improve the shape and appearance of the cheeks. 

Who is a good candidate for chin and cheek implants?

Chin and cheek implants are not suitable for everyone. The surgeon will decide if you can go for this type of surgery or not. You can be a good candidate for chin and cheek implants if you have the following features:

  • Your facial bones have reached the physical maturity that normally occurs in late adolescence

  • People who worry about a small chin, weak jaw, and improper facial contour

  • People who experience overall good health and do not suffer from any other medical conditions

  • People who have specific goals in mind for their chin or cheek implants

Preparing for Surgery

If you have already planned for a chin and cheek implant in Hyderabad, you have to fix an appointment with a surgeon. Your surgeon will take your medical history and will ask you to get some lab tests done before surgery. If you are taking any medications or herbal supplements you must inform your doctor because he may stop some of your medications a few days before surgery. Your first consultation with the surgeon will help you to understand your cosmetic goals. The surgeon will give you complete information about the procedure. He will also explain the risks and benefits of the surgery that will help you to make your decision. 

During the surgery

Chin and cheek implant surgery is generally performed in an outpatient department by giving local anesthesia. 
Cheek implants: The doctor will mark the site where the implant has to be placed to avoid injury to the delicate nerves and underlying structures. The surgeon will make an incision inside your mouth or along the lower eyelid where the implant has to be inserted. If any other cosmetic procedure is done at the same time, the implant may be inserted through the same incision. It may take an hour to perform the surgery. 

Chin implants: For chin implants, the incision is made either along the lower lip inside the mouth or just below the chin area. The implant is inserted in a pocket in front of the jawbone. The implant is inserted slowly using a sterilized clamp. The incision is closed using sutures and a bandage is applied. It may take 30-60 minutes to perform the complete procedure. 

After the surgery

You can go back home on the same day after the surgery. You must bring someone to drive you back home and if you live alone someone must be available for one night to take care of. The doctor will also give you further instructions to take off your wound for quick healing. You must follow the instructions given by the doctor to see the best results.

  • You may have to eat a liquid diet for a few days as solid food will affect the stitches and can cause infection

  • The oral cavity is the most commonplace for bacterial infection; therefore your doctor will give you antibiotics and antiseptic mouthwash for preventing infection.

  • Avoid doing any strenuous work but you can start doing your normal routine tasks

  • You may have to stay home at least for a week after surgery

What are the risks associated with chin and cheek implants?

Every surgery has some risks. The risks associated with chin and cheek implants are given here:

  • Infection inside the mouth: Infections can occur at the surgical site inside the mouth, especially if proper oral hygiene is not maintained. Antibiotics may be prescribed to minimize this risk.
  • Swelling and bruising at the site of the incision: Swelling and bruising are common postoperative reactions. They are a natural part of the healing process and typically subside over time.
  • Excess bleeding from the incision: While some bleeding is normal during surgery, excessive bleeding postoperatively can occur. It is crucial to monitor for signs of abnormal bleeding and seek medical attention if necessary.
  • Side effects that may occur due to anesthesia: Anesthesia can have side effects, including nausea, vomiting, sore throat, or grogginess. Serious complications are rare but can include allergic reactions or respiratory issues.
  • Facial nerve injury may occur that may cause loss of sensation: The surgery involves working in proximity to facial nerves, and there is a small risk of nerve injury leading to temporary or, rarely, permanent loss of sensation in the affected areas.
  • Firmness around the implant and pressure on the surrounding areas: It's possible to feel firmness around the implant, particularly in the initial healing phase. This pressure sensation is normal as tissues adjust to the presence of the implant.
  • You may have difficulty eating for a few days: Swelling, discomfort, and potential numbness or altered sensation may cause difficulty in eating for a few days following the surgery. A soft or liquid diet may be recommended initially.
  • Stitches may be removed after a few days, and the stitches inside your mouth will dissolve on their own: Depending on the type of sutures used, external stitches may be removed after a few days. Internal stitches inside the mouth typically dissolve on their own.
  • Discoloration of the skin: Bruising can lead to temporary skin discoloration around the surgical site. This is a normal part of the healing process and fades as the bruising resolves.

Results after surgery

You may see the results immediately after a chin or cheek implant. Swelling may reduce after a week. The doctor will advise you to use cold compresses. You may feel the firmness and bruising around the chin that will be reduced by the application of cold compresses. It may take time to see the final results from the chin and cheek implants. You may have to visit your doctor a few times for follow-up consultations with your doctor. Your doctor can show you before and after photographs to see the results. In most cases, results are beneficial as the person can feel confident and happy. Chin and cheek implant in Hyderabad also help to improve the overall facial expressions that help people to live with confidence.  

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