
Anal Cancer


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Anal Cancer

Best Anal Cancer Treatment in Hyderabad, India

Anal Cancer is a very uncommon cancer that occurs in the anal canal of the body. However, once it occurs it may spread to other parts of the body. Anal cancer that is not cancerous can turn cancerous over time. The anal canal refers to a small tube situated at the end of the rectum through which stool leaves the body. 

Anal cancer can cause a few symptoms such as anal pain and rectal bleeding. Most people who are diagnosed with Anal cancer are treated through a combination of chemotherapy and radiation. However, this combination of chemo and radiation for Anal Cancer Treatment in Hyderabad can lead to a generation of certain side effects that can occur during the treatment process. 

Symptoms of Anal Cancer

The symptoms of anal cancer can be related to the symptoms of other diseases and conditions. These can include symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), haemorrhoids, and gastrointestinal diseases. Hence, keeping this in mind, some of the symptoms of anal cancer can include: 

  • Bleeding from the rectum or anus

  • Change in bowel movement 

  • Thin stool 

  • Pain near the anus 

  • Discharge or itching from the anus 

  • Pressure or formation of lump near the anus 

You can talk to your doctor about any symptoms or signs that bother you, especially if you think you are at risk of developing anal cancer. If you are confused as to why you have the above symptoms, you should ask your doctor for an evaluation. Your doctor will be able to give you the correct diagnosis and treat you accordingly. 

Causes of Anal Cancer 

  • Anal Cancer can be caused due to abnormal growth of cells in the body. These abnormal cells can grow and accumulate creating certain masses known as tumours. Cancer cells that are advanced can spread to other organs of the body and interfere with their functions. 
  • Anal cancer is mainly caused due to HPV (human papillomavirus). HPV refers to a sexually transmitted disease that occurs during sexual intercourse. 
  • Apart from this, anal cancer can even be caused when cancer from one organ spreads to the anus.

Types of Anal Cancer 

Anal cancer can be found in various types mainly depending on the size of the tumour that develops. The cells that have an abnormal growth in the body are known as Tumour. A tumour can either be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous). When left untreated, malignant tumours can spread to other parts of the body. Some of the tumours related to anal cancer can include: 

  • Benign tumours: Benign tumours refer to noncancerous tumours. In the anus, benign tumours can include skin tags, polyps, genital warts, and granular cell tumours. 
  • Precancerous Conditions: These conditions refer to benign tumours that have a possibility of becoming malignant over time. Precancerous conditions are common in Squamous Intraepithelial Neoplasia (ASIL) and Intraepithelial Neoplasia (AIN). 
  • Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Squamous Cell Carcinoma is one of the most common anal cancer known. Squamous cells are available at the outermost line of the anal canal. Most of the people who are diagnosed with anal cancer generally have squamous cell carcinoma. This refers to malignant tumours that are developed in the anus due to abnormal squamous cells. 
  • Bowen's Disease: Bowen's Disease popularly known as Squamous cell carcinoma in situ, refers to the growth of abnormal cells on the surface tissues of the anal. These cells generally don't invade any deeper tissue levels of the anal. 
  • Basal Cell Carcinoma: Basal Cell Carcinoma refers to the type of cancer that an individual can get on the skin when exposed to the sun. Hence, due to this, basal cell carcinoma is one of the rare forms of anal cancer. 
  • Adenocarcinoma: Adenocarcinoma is another rare type of cancer that generally occurs from the adrenal glands and further moves on the anus. 

Risk Factors of Anal Cancer 

Being diagnosed with anal cancer can be very rare. However, there are a few people who are at risk of developing anal cancer as compared to others. Certain risk factors for anal cancer can include: 

  • HPV Infection: HPV refers to a type of sexually transmitted infection that can remain in the body even after the infection. In most cases of anal cancer, people are diagnosed with an HPV infection. HPV even leads to cervical cancer. 
  • HIV: HIV is another disease that can be sexually transmitted. People who have HIV have a higher rate of being diagnosed with anal cancer. This mainly happens because HIV weakens the immune system making it difficult to fight the cancer cells. 
  • Sexual Activity: Having repetitive anal sexual intercourse or having multiple sexual partners can increase your risk of being diagnosed with anal cancer. It is important to practice safe sexual intercourse such as wearing a condom to decrease the risk of being diagnosed with anal cancer. This mainly happens due to a high risk of contracting HPV. 
  • Smoking: People who smoke are more likely to be diagnosed with anal cancer even after they quit smoking. 
  • Weak Immune System: Having a weak immune system will make it difficult to fight against any type of cancer. However, people who take immunosuppressants, those who have HIV, or those who have had an organ transplant are at a high risk of being diagnosed with anal cancer. 
  • Old Age: Anal cancer generally occurs in people who are aged about 50 years. 

Diagnosis of Anal Cancer

  • Rectal hemorrhage is a common symptom of anal cancer. People who experience anus bleeding, itching, or pain must immediately seek medical attention before anal cancer goes beyond stage one. Anal cancer can be diagnosed during routine checks or treatments.
  • Anal cancer can even be diagnosed through digital rectal exams. These are typically performed as part of a prostate exam. Manual rectal exams, in which the doctor inserts a finger into the anus to feel any growths or lumps, are prevalent in both gender pelvic exams.
  • Another way to diagnose anal cancer can be by using Anal Pap Smears. This is a similar process to a traditional Pap Smear. However, in this case, the doctor will use a cotton swab to gather cells from the anal lining which will later be sent for further examination. 
  • A biopsy can also be done to diagnose anal cancer. 

Anal cancer staging

Healthcare providers utilize cancer staging systems to plan treatments and predict outcomes after treatment. They assess factors such as tumor size, lymph node involvement, and whether the cancer has spread. Anal cancer is categorized into five stages:

  • Stage 0: Abnormal cells are present in the mucosa (inner lining) of the anus, but they are not cancerous yet. This stage is also known as high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL).
  • Stage I: Cancer cells have formed a tumor measuring 2 centimeters or less.
  • Stage II: This stage is further divided into two sub-stages:
    • IIA: Tumor size is larger than 2 centimeters but smaller than 5 centimeters.
    • IIB: Tumor size is 5 centimeters but has not spread from the anus.
  • Stage III: Stage III is subdivided into three stages:
    • IIIA: Tumor is 5 centimeters or smaller, spreading to lymph nodes in the anus or groin.
    • IIIB: Anal cancer spreads to nearby organs like the vagina, urethra, or bladder.
    • IIIC: Cancer is found in nearby organs and has spread to lymph nodes near the anus or groin.
  • Stage IV: Cancer is detected in distant lymph nodes, far from the anus, and in organs such as the lungs or liver.

Treatment of Anal Cancer

Although there is no definite cure for anal cancer, many people who are diagnosed with anal cancer live healthy and productive lives. Depending on your age and the stage of your cancer, your doctor may recommend one of the following anal cancer treatment:

  • Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy can be used to kill cancer cells while at the same time preventing their growth. It can either be injected or given orally. Intermittent usage of pain relief medicines may also be necessary to control symptoms of anal cancer.

  • Surgery

One of the most common surgeries for anal cancer is local resection surgery. It is done to remove the anus tumour as well as certain healthy tissue around it. This process is done only if anal cancer has not spread to other organs of the body. It is an ideal procedure for those who are diagnosed with anal cancer at an early stage, and for those who have tiny tumours. 

Another surgery that can be conducted for anal cancer includes Abdominoperineal (AP) Resection. This is known to be a more invasive anal cancer surgery. This procedure is for those people who did not react well to other treatments or those who are at an advanced stage. 

How can CARE Hospitals help?

CARE Hospitals provides a comprehensive range of services, including radiation for Anal Cancer Treatment in India to all its patients. The doctors and staff at CARE Hospitals have extensive expertise and training in the field of oncology. During the postoperative recovery period, we ensure that we offer effective care and help for all of our patients. CARE Hospitals ensure that it provides a secure environment for all its staff, patients, and visitors. 

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