
Left Side Stomach Pain

Abdominal pain, also referred to as stomachache or stomach pain can be of varying intensity. There can be many causes for upper, lower, right, or left-side stomach pain, some more serious than others, while many are actually harmless. Abdominal pain or stomach pain on the left side can be felt as sharp localized pain or intermittent pain. Left-side stomach pain may also radiate to other body parts such as the shoulder, and the back. 

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Symptoms of Left Side Stomach Pain

Left-side stomach pain can arise from the internal organs on the left side of the stomach, the abdominal wall, and the skin and muscles in the area. Left-side stomach pain is a generalized term for the different intensities of the pain. Such pain can be:

  • Mild or Severe
  • Burning or Itchy
  • Sharp or Dull
  • Persistent or Intermittent
  • Crampy or Colicky
  • Localized (pain in a singular point only) or Generalised (pain in the whole area)

Most common causes of Left-Side Stomach Pain

There are several reasons for experiencing left-side stomach aches. It may be due to disease, infection, injury, or something as simple as indigestion. The left-side stomach pain may feel like a tug at the stomach's skin or somewhere inside. Depending on the perception of the location of the pain and its intensity, the healthcare provider may be able to get a primary idea of why there is left-side stomach pain. 

Sometimes, trivial reasons for stomach pain can show severe symptoms, while some life-threatening diseases may have very mild pain. Hence, it is crucial to know the causes of left-side stomach pain.

There are some non-serious causes of left-side stomach pain, which may include:

  • Digestion Issues: Pain in the left side of the stomach may be caused by indigestion, gas problems, constipation or diarrhoea, food poisoning, or even allergies.
  • Infection or Inflammation: When internal organs get infected, such as in the stomach, pancreas, spleen, kidney, or intestines, there may be irritation or pain. Common diseases may include viral gastroenteritis (stomach flu), peptic ulcer disease, and chronic acid reflux.

The cause of pain in the left part of the stomach may also vary with gender. Certain urinary tract infections (UTIs) may affect only men or only women. Additionally, left stomach pain may be caused due to menstruation, which is strictly restricted to women. Let's understand in detail.

Common Causes of Left Side Abdominal Pain in Women

Women may experience left-side stomach pain during menstruation due to menstrual cramps or may experience pain during ovulation. During the implantation of fertilized eggs, women may also experience severe pain in the lower part of the abdomen. Endometriosis and ovarian cysts are very common yet serious diseases that may cause left-side stomach pain.

Common Causes of Left Side Abdominal Pain in Men

Reasons for left-side abdominal pain specific to men may include a hernia. Inguinal hernia also occurs in women but is more common in men. Men may also have a traumatic case of testicular torsion, which is a medical emergency and requires immediate medical intervention.

Treatment for Left-Side Stomach Pain

Various types of abdominal pain require different treatments. Sometimes over-the-counter medicines may be enough to relieve indigestion and other related symptoms. Infections, as well as symptoms related to menstruation, may also be treated with medications.
In case of ulcers or kidney stones, surgical intervention may be required to treat the underlying problem as a last resort if medications recommended by the current doctor fail to resolve the issue. Consulting a doctor for any kind of severe or persistent left-side stomach pain may help to identify the problem and to treat it properly.

When to see a Doctor?

In case the pain doesn't go away despite trying over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, seeking professional consultation may be beneficial. If an individual has sustained any injury on the left side of the abdomen, resulting in left-side stomach pain, and/or if they are pregnant, it is advisable to seek medical advice to identify and treat the symptoms, if necessary. If one experiences one or more of the following symptoms in addition to stomach pain, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible:

  • Fever
  • Swelling and Tenderness
  • Jaundice
  • Cod Skin
  • Excessive sweating
  • Pain residing for more than two days
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Pain in other parts of the body
  • Passing blood through stools or urine
  • Shortness of breath or faster heartbeat rate.

When to worry about pain in my Left Side of the Stomach?

Pain residing on the left side of the stomach usually doesn't accompany additional symptoms in other parts of the body. In case of digestion-related problems, issues should resolve on their own. However, if there is severe stomach ache on the left side of the stomach along with the above-mentioned symptoms, visiting a doctor right away to rule out the possibility of anything more serious is always better.


1. Can gas problems cause pain in the left abdomen?

Gas problems are one of the most common causes of left stomach pain and may occur in anyone at any age. However, it is usually considered harmless and generally subsides over time with or without the need for over-the-counter anti-acidity medications.

2. In how many days will normal left-side stomach pain go?

The persistence of the stomach pain is solely related to the cause of the pain. It may last for a few minutes, hours, or even days in case of serious diseases.

3. Is left-side stomach pain a big problem?

Left-side pain is a common occurrence and may not necessarily indicate a serious problem. If one is concerned about their general well-being, it is advisable to consult a doctor to diagnose and treat the symptoms, if necessary.



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