
Bronchoscopy Cost

Bronchoscopy, a medical diagnostic procedure, enables doctors to examine the respiratory system using a bronchoscope. A bronchoscope is a flexible tube with a light and camera at the end that is primarily used to target the lungs and the airways of the respiratory system. This particular procedure is helpful in examining infections, tumours, inflammation, and other underlying respiratory diseases and conditions. 

By using a bronchoscope, medical professionals can view the airways of the respiratory system and collect tissue samples that will be further used for the proper diagnosis. Bronchoscopes can be inserted through either the nose or mouth by carefully guiding them down to the lungs. The camera attached to the bronchoscope provides real-time images of the airways, which helps in identifying anomalies or potential issues.

What to Expect During Bronchoscopy Procedure? 

Patients may be instructed to abstain from eating or drinking for a specified period of time prior to the bronchoscopy, in order to prepare their airways. 

  • Anaesthesia: To ensure comfort during the surgery, local or general anaesthesia may be administered. 
  • Insertion of Bronchoscope: The bronchoscope is carefully introduced through the nose or mouth and then guided down to the lungs. 
  • Examination and Sampling: The physician meticulously examines the airways, captures images, and, if necessary, collects tissue samples. 
  • Recovery: After the treatment, patients are monitored in a recovery area until the effects of the anaesthesia wear off.

Cost of Bronchoscopy Test in India

The bronchoscopy price in India can vary depending on several factors, including the type of bronchoscopy and the medical facility where the procedure is performed. In India, a bronchoscopy cost in rupees usually varies between between INR 8,000 and INR 10,000.

There are two most common bronchoscopy procedures:

  • Flexible Bronchoscopy: This is the most popular kind of bronchoscopy, employing a flexible bronchoscope to visualise the airways. The bronchoscopy procedure cost can range between INR Rs. 3,000/- and INR Rs. 15,000/- in India.
  • Rigid Bronchoscopy: Usually reserved for more complicated situations, rigid bronchoscopy uses a straight, unyielding bronchoscope. In India, the cost of rigid bronchoscopy can range anywhere between INR Rs. 5,000/- and INR Rs. 30,000/-.

The below table outlines the bronchoscopy test cost in Rupees. 


Minimum (INR)

Average (INR)

Maximum (INR)

Bronchoscopy Cost in Delhi

Rs. 7000

Rs. 15000

Rs. 25000

Bronchoscopy Cost in Ahmedabad

Rs. 5000

Rs. 10000

Rs. 18000

Bronchoscopy Cost in Bangalore

Rs. 7000

Rs. 15000

Rs. 25000

Bronchoscopy Cost in Mumbai

Rs. 6000

Rs. 14000

Rs. 25000

Bronchoscopy Cost in Chennai

Rs. 6000

Rs. 12000

Rs. 20000

Bronchoscopy Cost in Hyderabad

Rs. 7000

Rs. 15000

Rs. 25000

Bronchoscopy Cost in Kolkata

Rs. 6000

Rs. 15000

Rs. 25000

Factors affecting the Bronchoscopy Cost

The cost of the Bronchoscopy test depends on and varies with a number of factors:

  • Type of Bronchoscopy: Depending on the patient's health, several forms of bronchoscopies may be necessary. The cost of each type may also vary. 
  • Location: The cost of medical procedures often changes based on the hospital's location. Costs in urban regions may be higher than in rural areas. 
  • Facility Type: Depending on whether the bronchoscopy is carried out in a hospital, outpatient clinic, or flexible surgical centre, the price may vary. 
  • Anaesthesia: Using general anaesthesia may result in higher costs compared to local anaesthesia (conscious sedation). 
  • Healthcare Provider: The cost of the treatment may also be influenced by the medical provider's knowledge, experience, and reputation. 
  • Insurance Coverage: The patient's out-of-pocket expenses could be significantly affected by the level of insurance coverage. 
  • Additional Tests or Procedures: The cost of the bronchoscopy may increase if further diagnostic tests or procedures are necessary.

The private bronchoscopy cost can be influenced by a range of factors, and it's best to consult with a doctor at CARE Hospitals for an accurate cost estimate based on individual circumstances. At CARE Hospitals, you will receive top-notch healthcare services from highly experienced medical professionals.


Q: Which patients need bronchoscopy?

A: Bronchoscopy may be recommended for patients who have respiratory symptoms, lung diseases, or abnormalities detected on imaging studies. It is commonly used to diagnose conditions such as persistent cough, lung infections, tumors, or to collect samples for further testing. The decision for bronchoscopy is made based on the patient's medical history, symptoms, and the need for a detailed examination of the airways.

Q: What is the average bronchoscopy cost in India?

A: The average cost of bronchoscopy in India can vary based on factors such as the hospital, location, and the specific type of bronchoscopy procedure needed. On average, the cost may range from ₹15,000 to ₹50,000 or more. For precise and up-to-date cost information, it's recommended to consult with specific hospitals or clinics.

Q: Is bronchoscopy very painful?

A: Bronchoscopy is usually performed under local anesthesia or conscious sedation, and patients may experience some discomfort but should not feel severe pain during the procedure. The throat may be numbed to minimize discomfort, and sedation helps relax the patient. After the procedure, individuals may have a sore throat or mild discomfort, but this is generally temporary.

Q: Is bronchoscopy done by a pulmonologist?

A: Yes, bronchoscopy is typically performed by a pulmonologist, a medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of lung and respiratory disorders. Pulmonologists are trained to conduct bronchoscopy procedures and interpret the results to aid in the diagnosis and management of respiratory conditions.

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