
Cytology/FNAC Information for Patients

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Cytology/FNAC Information for Patients

Diagnostic Centre in Raipur

Cytology is about seeing cells under the microscope after staining (colouring ) them. This is a highly accurate, rapid, minimally painful procedure that can be done at the Diagnostic Centre in Raipur in OPD for the diagnosis of any swelling, suspicious lump or cancers in the body. It can subclassify many tumours with much less cost and is many times more accurate in diagnosis than CT/MRI.

Scope of Cytology

  • General Surgery: Swelling of breast, lymph nodes, thyroid, chest wall, abdomen, back, arms, legs, scalp etc. Intraabdominal lumps or lesions of the liver and kidney lymph nodes are also being aspirated under CT/USG guidance in our hospital with rapid reporting.
  • Gynaecology: Pap test for cervical cancer screening with a report in 2-24 hours. It is the most common cancer of females which can be prevented by regular paps tests.
  • Pulmonology / TB and Chest Medicine: Pleural effusions, Bronchoalveolar lavage, Sputum cytology, Neck lymph nodes etc for detection of cancers, advanced cancers, and fungal infections coupled with AFB staining in all cases suspected to be TB.
  • Gastrology and Gastro-surgery: Ascitic fluid, intra-abdominal lumps, pancreatic, peripancreatic, GB fossa masses, and liver SOL cytology for cancerous cells coupled with AFB staining in all cases suspected to be TB are being done routinely in our hospital. Deeper lesions are reached under USG/CT/Endoscopic ultrasound guidance with rapid results for starting treatment.
  • Urology: Urine cytology for tumours of the kidney, ureter, and urinary bladder along with TB.
  • Oncology: Cytology of malignancies of GIT, female genital tract, head and neck, salivary glands, thyroid, lymph nodes, kidney prostate, malignancies of unknown origin etc.
  • Neurology: Intraoperative squash/imprint cytology of CNS tumours, granulomas, metastasis etc.
  • Interventional Radiology Assisted Procedures: Mediastinal masses FNACS, lung biopsy imprints, retroperitoneal biopsies with imprint/squash cytology.
  • General Medicine: Thyroid, lymph node swellings.

Frequently Asked Questions

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+91-771 6759 898