Dr. Sailendra Shailesh Sharma has a total of 10 years of experience in the intensive care unit in all departments like Medicine, Surgery O&G, Paediatrics, Ophthalmology, ENT, Community medicine, Dermatology, Forensic medicine and Casualty. He has work experience in speciality OT like neurosurgery, pediatric, plastic, urology, ENT, ophthalmology, orthopaedics, obstetric & gynaecology, cardiac, surgery and emergency in one of the biggest hospitals in Asia (Civil hospital, B.J Medical College, Ahmedabad. He worked in 54-bed tertiary ICUs having all sorts of patients ranging from medical, surgical, cardiac, neurosurgical, and gastroenterological cases from July 2010 till July 2011.
Hindi, English and Chhattisgari
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