Consult Super-Specialist Doctors at CARE Hospitals
Pain can manifest from various issues like sleep disturbance, movement limitations or stress, amongst others. Appropriate pain treatment not only helps reduce the chances of developing additional physical problems but also helps reduce the patient’s medical-care costs and suffering.
At the CARE CHL Pain Management Centre, pain is treated as the main problem, not simply as a symptom of another problem. Consultations are available for all patients who have significant acute or chronic pain. Our major goal is to put the patient back in charge of his/her life and improve overall life quality.
The pain clinic’s unique approach to managing pain is based on medical and scientific principles and treatment. With a multidisciplinary approach to treating patients as a whole, CARE CHL is fully equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, including fluoroscopy, ultrasound, physiotherapy, CT scan and MRI, all under a single roof.
Although a maximum number of patients can manage the pain through non-operative procedures, for interventional procedures ultra modern modular operation theatre and anaesthesia services are also readily accessible. Apart from our exceptional pain management clinique rendered in highly technological equipment, we also offer the following,
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