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Best ENT Hospital in Indore

The speciality of medicine that deals with the conditions and complications of the ear, nose, and throat is collectively known as ENT. The ENT discipline encompasses a wide range of medical conditions of the ear, nose, and throat, including those that impair the functions of swallowing, speaking, hearing, balancing, and breathing. The treatment of sinus problems, allergies, skin disorders, and head and neck cancer, also falls under the extended purview of ENT medical care.

Professionally, ENT specialists are called otolaryngologists who specialise in the extended sub- specialities of ENT, often collaborating with specialists from other medical disciplines to provide a multidisciplinary approach towards the treatment of various health conditions and issues.

The department of ENT at CARE CHL Hospitals, Indore is supported by highly qualified ENT consultants and extensively experienced ENT surgeons who have shown exemplary dedication in treating patients with a range of problems in the ear, nose, and throat region, whether accompanied by comorbidities or not. Backed by state-of-the-art, technologically advanced microsurgery and minimally invasive surgical equipment and facilities, our goal is to provide diagnostic as well as therapeutic care services to our paediatric and adult patients to aid in the treatment and healing of various ailments.

Diagnostic and Patient Care

ENT specialists at CARE CHL Hospitals, Indore are adept at providing comprehensive treatment to patients suffering from disorders related to the ear, nose, and throat. This includes diagnosis and surgery. The areas of diagnosis and treatment for ENT disorders include the following:

  • Otology: Under the discipline of otorhinolaryngology, otology is concerned with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of ENT diseases, along with physiological and functional anomalies.
  • Head and Neck: The diagnosis and treatment of diseases and conditions around the head and neck, including thyroid conditions, head and neck cancers, congenital and developmental deformities, upper spinal issues, etc., often require the collaboration of multiple disciplines and subdisciplines for the most effective care.
  • Rhinology: Rhinology deals with diseases of the nose, sinuses, and the base of the skull, including the surgical treatment of polyps, paranasal sinus, and pituitary surgery (micro/macro adenoma) Endoscopic CSF leak repair.
  • Laryngology: Within laryngology, we treat and manage conditions of the larynx (voice box) via laser surgery for voice box cancer (Kashima operation), cancers and oral cancers  and offer therapeutic and rehabilitation services for a wide range of neurological and behavioural disorders of the larynx. 
  • Paediatric Otolaryngology: We also offer a broad range of healthcare services for children and adolescents suffering from diseases and conditions of the ENT We also perform paediatric airway surgery (Paediatric neck surgery).
  • Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Within our ENT speciality treatments, we also perform reconstructive plastic surgery to correct facial and body abnormalities caused by congenital defects, injury, disease, or even ageing.
  • Allergy Treatment: The treatment of allergic reactions is one of the most basic diagnostic and treatment services, providing appropriate care tailored to the unique requirements of individual patients.

Diagnostic Procedures


  • Otoscopy: Otoscopy is a physical examination procedure that uses an otoscope to examine the structures of the ear.
  • Tympanometry: Tympanometry is a diagnostic procedure used in children to measure the barometric pressure in the middle ear.

Nose and Throat

  • Direct Laryngoscopy: This examination involves looking into the back of the throat (voice box and vocal cords) using a laryngoscope.
  • Flexible Laryngoscopy: This is used to obtain a view of the nose, throat, and voice box during examinations.


  • Nasal Endoscopy: Nasal endoscopy is a diagnostic procedure used to examine the nasal and sinus passages using an endoscope.
  • ENT Surgery: ENT surgeries and procedures encompass a wide range of major and minor interventional procedures and treatments that also involve the neck and head. Here are some of the surgical treatments offered at CARE CHL Hospitals, Indore:

Ear Surgery

  • Tympanoplasty: This procedure involves reconstructing a ruptured eardrum that does not heal despite treatment using antibiotic medications or ear drops.
  • Mastoidectomy: Mastoidectomy is an interventional procedure used to remove diseased mastoid air cells from the mastoid bone, which is located behind the ear. It is used to treat ear infections and cholesteatomas, which are non-cancerous growths located behind the ear. This procedure may also be performed in conjunction with tympanoplasty and even cochlear implant surgery. At Care CHL, Indore we also perform modified radical mastoidectomy surgery with palva flap.
  • Ossicular Reconstruction: Ossicular chain reconstruction surgery may be used to improve conductive hearing by replacing a damaged malleus or incus bone in the ear due to injury or infection. This procedure is also performed in accompaniment with tympanoplasty and/or mastoidectomy procedures.
  • Stapedectomy: Stapedectomy is an interventional procedure used to treat hearing loss caused by a condition called otosclerosis, which damages the stapes in the inner ear. During this surgery, the damaged stapes are replaced with an artificial device.

Nose and Throat Surgery 

  • Endoscopic Septoplasty: Endoscopic septoplasty is an advanced, endoscope-assisted, minimally invasive surgery used to straighten the nasal septum as part of aesthetic or sinus surgery.
  • Septorhinoplasty: Septorhinoplasty is an aesthetic/plastic surgery procedure that can also improve breathing ability by correcting the nasal posture.
  • Nasal Polypectomy: This procedure is used to remove polyps from the sinuses, which are tiny growths inside the nose.
  • Tonsillectomy: This procedure is usually performed in children to remove the tonsils, which is done to treat sleep-related breathing issues or recurrent tonsil infections. It may be performed in conjunction with an adenoidectomy.
  • Adenoidectomy: Adenoids are remnants of tissues in the back of the nose that may need to be removed in children if they become swollen and cause difficulty in breathing through the nose.

Head and Neck Surgery

  • Parotidectomy: Tumours in the parotid glands (salivary glands) may need to be removed along with some or all of a major salivary gland.
  • Submandibular Gland Surgery: Salivary glands located under the jaw may need to be surgically removed as a result of infection in the tubes that drain saliva and become blocked.
  • Thyroid Surgery: Thyroid surgery, or thyroidectomy, is the surgical removal of a part or all of the thyroid gland located in the front of the neck. The thyroid gland is responsible for producing and releasing hormones that control important functions of the body.
  • Laryngectomy: Laryngectomy is the surgical removal of a part or all of the voice box (larynx) and is performed in cases of advanced larynx cancer or severe damage.

Why Choose CARE CHL Hospitals?

With the primary goal of patient care and comfort in mind, we at CARE CHL Hospitals, Indore are running special clinic dedicated to delivering top-notch clinical services and patient care. We utilise advanced state-of-the-art facilities and minimally invasive equipment for quicker recovery and faster discharge from the hospital. Our team of highly experienced ENT specialists, possessing acute clinical acumen, provide their expertise in diagnosis, treatment, and management of a broad spectrum of ENT disorders and conditions with utmost dexterity and compassion. Supported by an equally capable team of healthcare professionals, we strive for excellence in every treatment we offer.

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0731 2547676