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Best Heart Hospitals in Indore

Our department of hosts experts who have performed over 27040 angiographies, 137709 cath lab procedures, 14011 cardiac surgeries and 9587 angioplasties & stenting till the year 2019. Because of our intensive cardiological involvement, the Institute of Cardiac Sciences at CARE CHL Hospitals is considered to be one of the finest in the state.

An integrated facility, it has a dedicated team of cardiologists and cardiac surgeons that works with multi-disciplinary teams to provide the best possible cardiac care to our patients. Not only that, but our expertise lies in managing even acute cardiac emergencies which are well known.

The centre performs all kinds of Non-Interventional & Interventional Cardiology procedures including complex cardiac surgeries - CABG, coronary angiography, angioplasty, permanent pacemaker implantation and now even heart transplants. Other procedures include Primary angioplasty in myocardial infarctions (PAMI), Carotid & Renal Angioplasty, Balloon dilation of the valve, device closer for congenital heart defect, EPS & RFA, CRT & AICD device implantation.

Why Choose CARE CHL Hospitals?

All Specialties, including adult, congenital and EP studies are under one roof. We also have the highest number of Cath Lab procedures per month in Central India, consistent for a year. Apart from that, separate Cardiac OT and the deliverance of DNB Cardiology super speciality courses (with accommodation | without bond) are our plus points. The following are the key points that make us stand out from the rest. 

  • Technique GE Vivid-7 Echo
  • Innova GE Digital Cathlab
  • Rotational Atherectomy System - Boston Scientific
  • Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS)
  • Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR)
  • TMT.

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