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Updated on 21 July 2022
Hepatitis is a condition in which liver cells become inflamed. The inflammation of the liver cells may be caused by different factors such as viruses, alcohol, drugs, chemicals, genetic disorders, and due to overactive immune system. Hepatitis may be acute or chronic depending on the symptoms. There are different types of hepatitis. In this article, we will discuss the common types of hepatitis which are caused by hepatotropic viruses. Mainly there are five types of hepatitis-causing viruses. Hepatitis A, B, and C are the most common types of hepatitis whereas D and E occur rarely.
When one of these viruses enters the body it attacks the cells of the liver and your immune system will try to fight against the virus. The liver cells may become inflamed and if the inflammation lasts for several years it can cause damage to the liver cells. The liver plays an important role in food metabolism and when liver cells get destroyed it is unable to process several nutrients and prevent the body from getting rid of toxins. If proper treatment is not taken for hepatitis in a hepatitis hospital in Hyderabad, it can cause scarring of the liver cells. This will interrupt the normal functioning of the liver.
There are different symptoms of each type of hepatitis and your doctor has to make a unique treatment plan based on your symptoms and the type of virus. These viruses are infectious. Hepatitis A can easily spread from one person to another through contaminated water, food, and skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. Hepatitis B and C mainly spreads through bodily fluids and blood products. Hepatitis viruses can affect people of all age groups and an infected mother can also transmit the virus to the baby during birth.
Hepatitis A virus causes hepatitis A. In this type of hepatitis; many people do not experience any symptoms and in some symptoms may appear after many weeks. The infection can easily spread even when symptoms are not present. It mainly spreads through contaminated water and food.
Hepatitis A symptoms could be nausea, loss of appetite, fever, and diarrhoea. Jaundice may occur and skin looks yellowish. Stool becomes light in colour and urine becomes dark. It is an acute inflammation of the liver cells but symptoms may be intense. A person may recover in a few weeks. But, due to low immunity, the person may get a flare-up after a few weeks and feels better after the second infection.
Doctors recommend avoiding eating contaminated food items and drinking contaminated water to prevent hepatitis A.
Hepatitis B virus causes hepatitis B. The virus can be transmitted to other people without having any symptoms. The main symptoms of hepatitis B infection include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, jaundice, diarrhoea, and pain in the muscles.
The hepatitis B infection may last for a few days or persist as a lifelong infection. Your body can fight against the hepatitis B virus without causing much damage to the liver cells. If it lasts for a longer time it can even lead to chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Hepatitis B mainly spreads after coming in contact with the body fluids of an infected person such as semen, blood, blood products or vaginal secretions. The common modes of spread of the infection are the use of infected needles sharing for drug use, getting a tattoo with an infected needle, having unprotected sex, after long-term dialysis, after sharing infected items such as toothbrushes or shaving blades.
Hepatitis C virus causes hepatitis C infection. This type of viral infection does not produce any symptoms and an infected person does not know about the infection for many years. A person can live long when infected with the hepatitis C virus. Hepatitis C virus can cause serious damage to the liver even when a person does not experience any symptoms. If treatment is not taken it can lead to scarring and cirrhosis of the liver.
The symptoms of the hepatitis C virus include weakness of muscles, pain in the joints, fatigue, and jaundice.
It can spread by sharing infected needles, having unprotected sex, sharing personal devices such as razors, and toothbrushes, and using an infected needle for skin tattooing.
This type of hepatitis occurs rarely and it may occur along with the hepatitis B virus. It causes inflammation of the liver cells and mainly produces symptoms when a person gets infected with the hepatitis B virus.
Hepatitis E is caused by the hepatitis E virus. It is a water-borne infection and it mainly occurs in areas where sanitation is not proper. This infection occurs when drinking water gets contaminated with faecal matter. It is an acute infection of the liver and may go away with proper treatment from the best hospital for liver disease in Hyderabad.
If you have a long-term type of hepatitis like B or C, you might not notice any problems until your liver is seriously affected. On the other hand, if you get a hepatitis virus and it's more of a short-term thing (acute), you could start feeling sick shortly after.
Here are some signs of infectious hepatitis:
The treatment for hepatitis depends on the type of hepatitis, its severity, and whether it is acute or chronic. Here is an overview of the common approaches to treating hepatitis:
It is important to identify the cause of hepatitis as the best liver doctor in Hyderabad can plan a proper treatment after knowing the cause of hepatitis. Different types of hepatitis are caused by different viruses and may produce different symptoms.
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