Consult Super-Specialist Doctors at CARE Hospitals
Updated on 21 July 2022
The collective term for fever that originates from different viral infections is known as viral fever. Typically, the temperature of a human body is around 37.1°C or 98.4°F. If the temperature goes above this value, one would have a fever. In some infections, viral fever tends to be a lower grade (<100°F) whereas, in others like dengue, it tends to be a higher grade (>100°F).
Generally, symptoms of viral fever are acute and occur more commonly during seasonal changes. In the case of most viral infections, viral fever lasts for 3 to 5 days. However, in severe cases, it may last for up to 2 weeks. Viral fever itself isn’t a disease or an illness. It is more a sign of the viral infection persistent in the body. Individuals having weak immune systems, kids, and older people are more prone to viral fevers.
The average person's body temperature is around 98.6°F (37°C). Anything above this temperature is considered a fever. Fevers are frequently an indication that your body is fighting off a bacterial or viral infection. A viral fever is defined as any fever caused by an underlying viral illness.
Humans can be infected with a variety of viral infections, ranging from the common cold to the flu. Many viral infections cause a low-grade fever. However, some viral infections, such as dengue fever, can raise the temperature.
Continue reading to learn more about viral fevers, including symptoms and treatment options.
The temperature range of viral fevers can vary from 99°F to over 103°F (39°C), based upon the type of virus causing them.
If you have a fever, you may experience some of the following viral fever symptoms:
Common causes of viral fever are catching viral infections, such as Coughing and sneezing. Contacting surfaces or objects that may have been touched by someone infected with a virus. These infections are reason for viral fever. Viruses are microscopic infectious agents. They infect and multiply within your body's cells. A fever is your body's defence mechanism against a virus. Because many viruses are temperature sensitive, a sudden increase in your body temperature makes you less hospitable to viruses.
There are numerous ways to become infected with a virus, including:
There are diverse types of viral infections, primarily determined by the affected body site, including:
Viral infections spread through various means:
Take medication for viral fever as your doctor has prescribed - It is best to avoid self-medicating if you have a viral fever. You should consult your critical care doctor in Hyderabad and take medication as per their prescription. This is because you might have a fever due to a bacterial infection, in which case, you might need a different medication.
Get plenty of rest so that your body can fight the fever and help you get better sooner - If you don’t get enough rest, your body won’t be able to cope with the stress and you won’t get better sooner. If you continue with your normal routine, it can hamper your body’s attempt to fight the fever. Also, when you have a fever, you tend to get tired anyway, which is why adequate rest is a must.
Keep your body cool by applying a cloth to your forehead with lukewarm water or taking a sponge bath. This will help bring down the temperature of your body and help it cool down. This is necessary because the body temperature is high when you have a fever and it is important to bring it down.
Stay hydrated. Try to consume as many fluids as possible so that your body doesn’t become dehydrated and there are certain foods to avoid in viral fever. When you have a fever, your body tends to lose fluids easily, causing dehydration. Hence, it is important to increase the intake of fluids. You can also drink diluted juice, or clear soup if you find water boring.
Avoid consuming caffeinated beverages, soda and alcohol if you have a fever as these beverages can cause dehydration, whereas it is important to stay hydrated if you have a fever.
Try to avoid covering your body in too many layers, unless you are feeling cold or shivering, as this might raise your body temperature. The aim is to bring the body’s temperature down and if you wear too many layers or stay covered in a blanket, the temperature might go up.
Don’t starve yourself as your body needs nutrition and energy to fight off the fever and help you feel better. If you starve yourself, your immune system can become even weaker, since your metabolism increases due to a fever.
Don’t deprive yourself of sleep. When you have a fever, your immune system consumes a lot of energy, as it is trying to fight off the fever. Hence, it is recommended to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night, so that you get enough rest as well as time to heal.
Avoid sharing your utensils, clothes, handkerchiefs, towels and other personal items as it might spread the infection to others who may come in contact with you. If anyone comes in contact with you or your items, they can also get infected as viral infections are contagious. Hence, it is best to stay in a separate room and have separate utensils and other items that no one else will use.
Both viral and bacterial illnesses show almost the same symptoms. To diagnose a viral fever, a doctor will most likely rule out a bacterial infection. They will review your symptoms and medical history, as well as collect samples to test for microorganisms.
In case you have a sore throat, they may do a swab test to check for the bacterium that causes strep throat. If the sample tests negative, you most likely have a viral illness.
They can also draw blood or other bodily fluids to look for signs of a viral infection, such as a high white blood cell count.
Viral fevers are treated with help of medications. Most viral fevers do not require any specific therapy. Unlike bacterial illnesses, they do not react to antibiotics.
Treatment mainly focuses on relieving your symptoms. Common treatments include:
Preventing viral fever involves adopting a combination of personal hygiene practices and lifestyle choices.
Following are the ways of viral fever treatment at home and Recovery after viral fever:
Above are some ways for viral fever treatment at home.
If a fever of 103 °F (39 °C) or higher persists for more than three days and medicine for viral fever is unresponsive then visit a doctor immediately.
While proper nutrition plays a vital role in supporting the immune system and aiding recovery, there is certain viral fever food to avoid to prevent further discomfort and aid the healing process.
While avoiding certain foods, it is equally important to focus on consuming nutrient-rich foods that support the immune system and aid recovery during viral fever.
We hope you have a detailed notion of viral fever causes along with the do’s and don't s that one should follow for being safe. Be aware at all times and do not take the viral fever lightly. If you are experiencing some signs & symptoms, immediately consult your doctor at a viral fever treatment hospital in Hyderabad. With adequate rest, hydration, and a balanced diet, you can support your body's immune system and recover from viral fever effectively.
The duration of viral fevers typically ranges from 1 to 4 days, with some lasting just a day. However, certain viral fevers like dengue can extend for 10 days or even longer. In most cases, viral fevers are self-limiting, resolving on their own with sufficient rest and proper hydration.
Yes, viral fevers can be highly contagious, and the duration of contagiousness varies depending on the type of viral fever:
Consuming nutrient-dense foods is advantageous when dealing with a viral fever. Nutrient-rich foods that can help alleviate viral fever symptoms include:
No, physicians usually refrain from recommending antibiotics for viral fever or viral infections because antibiotics are ineffective against viral infections. Antibiotics are only prescribed by doctors after conducting a comprehensive diagnosis to address bacterial infections.
Yes. Patients with viral fever can shower or bathe, as it can aid in lowering body temperature. Maintaining cleanliness and comfort through bathing contributes to reducing fever. Bathing also eases body aches dilates peripheral arteries, and helps prevent convulsions by regulating temperature.
6. Does oxygen level drop in viral fever?
Yes, oxygen levels might drop during a viral fever, especially if the illness affects the respiratory system, causing symptoms such as cough and shortness of breath. Monitoring oxygen levels is critical, especially in severe situations, as is getting medical assistance if oxygen saturation drops significantly.
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