Consult Super-Specialist Doctors at CARE Hospitals
Updated on 3 February 2020
Kidneys perform the most important job of cleansing your blood from excess fluids and waste products. About 120-150 quarts of blood are filtered by healthy kidneys on an everyday basis. By performing this function, kidneys help prevent waste buildup while also keeping electrolytes at a stable level within the body. As kidney function declines, protein waste and mineral removal become difficult. This is because diseased kidneys have to put in double the effort to get rid of them. It is important to follow a proper diet for healthy kidneys.
Although it’s necessary for you to visit the best kidney hospital in Hyderabad or wherever you stay, following a kidney-friendly diet can help protect your kidneys from further damage. It means restricting some particular foods and fluids to prevent certain minerals from building up in your body. Creating the right balance of calories, protein, vitamins, and minerals is also important. Have a look:
Follow a Dash Diet
The abbreviation for DASH is Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. A DASH diet is rich in veggies, fruits, whole grains, fish, low-fat dairy products, seeds, beans and nuts. It’s important to talk to your doctor or dietician before following this diet. Although this diet is useful for patients with deteriorated kidney function, it’s not recommended for those on dialysis.
Reduce Sodium Intake
Sodium, which is the main ingredient of table salt, affects your blood pressure while also maintaining water balance within the body. While healthy kidneys ensure optimal sodium levels, the same might be disrupted if you have CKD. As sodium and fluid levels rise in the body, problems such as high blood pressure, swollen ankles, and shortness of breath can arise. It can also lead to fluid buildup around the heart and lungs. People with kidney problems must keep their sodium intake at less than 2g per day. Here are a few tips to cut down sodium from your diet:
Restrict Phosphorous and Calcium
Healthy kidneys keep phosphorous levels in check, removing extra to help your bones stay strong and healthy. CKD can raise the phosphorous levels in your body which increases your chances of acquiring heart disease. It can also cause your calcium levels to drop which is pulled from the bones, making them weak and easy to break. Late-stage CKD patients must aim for more than 1000 milligrams of phosphorous each day which can be accomplished by:
Reducing Potassium Intake
As mentioned earlier, it becomes difficult for your body to filter out excess potassium if you have CKD which can lead to serious heart problems. Certain foods such as avocadoes, potatoes, bananas and melons can affect potassium levels in your body. Therefore, it’s important for you to discuss with your doctor if these foods need to be limited. He will also suggest you low-potassium foods such as:
For those with worsened cases of CKD, further diet modifications are required which might involve cutting back on protein-rich foods.
Although fluids are not usually restricted for those with early-stage CKD, you might be required to limit that too if your disease progresses.
You need to be mindful of what you eat and incorporate kidney-friendly foods into your diet. If you have problems with your normal kidney functioning, you should consult an expert, and it’s advised to visit a hospital for any problems related to the kidneys.
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