Consult Super-Specialist Doctors at CARE Hospitals
Updated on 28 July 2021
Even many weeks after recovery from COVID-19, people have been reporting unfavorable health effects on the body. These symptoms are referred to as ‘long-haul’ symptoms that appear long after initial recovery. Though COVID-19 is known to primarily affect the health of our lungs, it also affects other organs as well with long-term health problems.
COVID-19 causes lasting damage to the heart by damaging the muscles, which can in turn interfere with overall functioning. This happens due to a few reasons, which are:
Receptors of heart cells are damaged when the COVID virus attaches to them before entering the cells
The inflammatory process that happens when the immune system fights against the COVID virus can damage healthy heart tissue
COVID virus damages the inner linings of veins and arteries, thereby interfering with blood flow to the heart
Signs, symptoms, and conditions experienced may include,
The feeling of the heart beating rapidly
The feeling of irregular heartbeat (palpitations)
Discomfort in the chest
Lightheadedness/dizziness (when standing)
Severe fatigue
Profuse sweating
Persistent cough
Rapid weight gain due to fluid retention
Loss/ lack of appetite
Increased urge to urinate
Shortness of breath
Swelling of the ankles
Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle)
Possible increased risk of heart failure (rare)
Chance of a heart attack (very rare)
Risk factors that may lead to the aforementioned signs and symptoms are,
Prolonged periods of inactivity/ sedentary lifestyle
Spending weeks convalescing in bed
High blood pressure/ hypertension
Suddenly stopping heart medications
Lung disease
Two groups of symptoms, in particular, should be closely monitored, and accordingly should have medical attention promptly under the following circumstances. Contact the nearest heart hospital in Hyderabad for a better understanding of the situation.
Shortness of breath
Worsening shortness of breath when lying down
Increased shortness of breath during exertion
Fatigue induced by shortness of breath
Swelling in the ankle accompanying shortness of breath
Chest pain
Persistent pain in the chest
Nonsevere chest pain
New chest pain that subsides in 15 minutes
Exertional chest pain relieved by the rest
Heart tests that can be done:
Electrocardiogram (EKG/ECG) to test for possible arrhythmia
Echocardiogram to detect problems in/ with heart valves and heart chambers
Troponin blood test to determine if/ which heart muscles are damaged
MRI to find out the extents of damage/ structural problems/ inflammation to the heart
Here are some post-recovery heart health from COVID:
Get your heart checked after recovering from COVID
Do not stop any medications for the heart if any
Immediately report symptoms (such as chest pain, breathlessness, sweating) to a doctor
Stay well hydrated throughout the day
Get screened for underlying heart conditions such as tachycardia
Exercise regularly
Do not try to overexert
Continue taking normal medications for general health
Eat wholesome, and nutritious foods consistently
Stay calm, relax, and try not to panic
Do not self-diagnose any symptoms
Avoid self-medicating at all costs
Heed to advice from your doctor
Get vaccinated promptly and without any hesitation
Treatment options in the rare case of heart failure:
Medications for the heart
LVAD (Left Ventricular Assist Device) procedure
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