Consult Super-Specialist Doctors at CARE Hospitals
Updated on 22 June 2021
One of the increasingly popular ways of tackling obesity is bariatric surgery. It is one of the most popular bariatric surgeries in which the size of your stomach is either reduced or removed resulting in rapid weight loss. The goal of gastric sleeve surgery is to make you feel full without eating a lot and lose weight in the process as it changes the metabolism of your body. It is a minimally invasive surgery that decreases the appetite and restricts the amount of food that you can eat. In this article, we will be discussing what exactly is gastric sleeve surgery and how effective it is.
Gastric sleeve surgery is one of the most popular weight loss procedures in the world that result in significant and rapid weight loss. Also known as laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, it involves the removal of about 80% of your stomach. The remaining area of the stomach is a tubular pouch resembling a banana. It is the perfect weight loss surgry option for someone who has not seen results from dietary and exercise modifications or weight-loss medications. It is also suited for candidates who are not eligible for any other weight-loss surgery because of the risk associated with medical conditions like anaemia or a high BMI. Through gastric sleeve surgery, you can expect to lose about 1 kg per week until your body reaches a healthy weight range. However, for this to happen, you have to follow the patient-specific post-operative recommendations given to you by the best gastroenterologist in Hyderabad such as lifestyle modifications (i.e., eating and sleeping on time, daily exercise for 60 minutes, etc.)
Here is why you should choose gastric sleeve surgery at the gastroenterology hospital in Hyderabad over other weight-loss procedures:
Yes, in order to make the surgery safe and predictable, blood tests are performed on the patients that include checking blood group, a full blood count, cholesterol levels, and hormone tests such as - ghrelin; leptin; DHEA; prolactin; testosterone; estradiol; etc., vitamins and minerals base level, a diabetes screening test, and kidney, thyroid, and liver function test. You might also have to get a chest X-ray and an ECG along with a 2D echo before the surgery.
In most cases, gastric sleeve surgery is performed as a minimally invasive procedure that involves using a laparoscope, a light and thin tube with a camera, and other instruments attached to it. This laparoscope is inserted inside your abdomen through small incisions. Before the procedure begins, you will be administered general anaesthesia, a medicine that puts you into a deep sleep. You will need a ventilator for breathing during the procedure. During the procedure, the surgeon will divide your stomach into two parts. About 80% of your stomach’s outer curved part will be cut away and removed. Out of the remaining 20%, the edges will be stapled together using special instrumentation, creating a banana-shaped stomach which is only 25% of the original size. The whole procedure will take about an hour. After it is completed, you will be transferred to the recovery room where you will have to stay for another hour. Since the surgeon makes small incisions in the abdomen, they will heal quickly. It is because of the minimally invasive nature of the procedure that will allow you to heal faster than you would have after a procedure where large incisions are used for opening up your abdomen. Unless there is an issue, you will be able to go home in 2 to 3 days after the procedure.
Pain after this procedure is greatly reduced, mostly because it is performed using a laparoscope. However, some patients report the following symptoms immediately after the surgery:
However, these sensations occur sporadically for a few hours and resolve in about a day or two. Also, these discomforts won’t limit you in any way and you will be able to sit up and walk comfortably post 6 hours of completing the surgery.
There are two ways through which gastric sleeve surgery can help you lose weight:
It is observed that 10-15% of excess weight is lost within 30 days post-surgery. It is expected that you can lose about 50% of your excess weight in just 12 months after the gastric sleeve surgery and some can even lose 60 to 70% of their weight. However, it is crucial to remember that you will only be able to see results if you stick to the exercise and diet plan recommended by your doctor. If you adopt these lifestyle changes, your weight loss will be long-term. By losing this excess weight, you will be able to significantly improve the quality of your life making it easier to perform daily activities. Also, weight loss will lower your risk of obesity-related health conditions such as obstructive sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol), infertility, and joint pains.
Any type of bariatric surgery including gastric sleeve surgery is recommended only to people who have not been able to see results after making strong attempts of improving their exercise and dietary habits and using weight-loss medications. Even after that, there are certain criteria you have to meet to be eligible for this procedure. These criteria are decided on the basis of whether you are suffering from an obesity-related health condition or not and your BMI (Body Mass Index). Here are the qualifying conditions for gastric sleeve surgery:
In some cases, gastric sleeve surgery can be performed if you are overweight but not obese and have a significant health condition associated with your weight.
In general, gastric sleeve surgery is a relatively safe procedure. Even though there are certain risks and complications associated with it just like with other surgeries, experienced bariatric surgical teams ensure that these are avoided. Here are a few issues that might occur after the surgery, which may require further medical treatment to correct the same:
If you want to lose weight after gastric sleeve surgery and maintain it, you will have to change your exercise and dietary habits. If you eat unhealthy foods, eat too much, or exercise too little, you will gain the weight back. Another common concern associated with gastric sleeve surgery is the excess skin left behind as the weight loss happens. This is especially common when you lose an excessive amount of weight quickly. It can be considered a side effect of the procedure. If the excess skin is bothering you, it can be removed surgically. However, you have to remember that it will take about 18 months for the body to stabilize after the procedure. It is best to wait this long before considering the procedure for skin removal. Until then, you can try some skin tightening techniques such as daily exercise, increased water intake and a high-protein diet. One thing that you must consider before undergoing gastric sleeve surgery is that it is irreversible. If you are unhappy with the results, you won’t be able to change your stomach to the way it was before.
Before you undergo gastric sleeve surgery, your surgeon will inform you about the lifestyle and dietary changes you will have to follow including a pre-operative liquid diet as part of the preparation for the surgery. Through these changes, you will not only be able to achieve your pre-operative weight loss but also maintain it post the surgery. Your doctor will perform a specific gastric sleeve procedure depending on the level of your obesity. Here are general dietary guidelines that you will have to follow:
About one month after the procedure, you will be able to eat your regular and healthy food. However, your appetite will be less than what it was before the surgery. You won’t feel as hungry as before and get full quickly. Because of your smaller meals and limited diets, you might experience some nutritional deficiencies in the long run. That is why it is important to take multivitamins or other requisite supplements to make up for it.
Gastric sleeve surgery is one of the most popular bariatric surgeries that works by reducing the size of your stomach so that you eat less. Since the size of the stomach is reduced, you will get less hungry. In order to qualify for this procedure, you have to meet certain criteria. First of all, you will need to ensure that all other weight-loss methods have failed including exercise, diet, and weight loss medications. Another qualifying criterion is whether you are suffering from any obesity-related condition and how high your BMI is. Once the procedure is completed, you will have to follow a healthy exercise and diet regimen regularly. This will ensure that you are able to lose more than 50% of the excess weight in 12 months. So, if you believe that you fit the criteria for bariatric surgery, it is advised that you consult an experienced bariatric professional at the earliest, for the same.
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