Consult Super-Specialist Doctors at CARE Hospitals
Updated on 5 July 2021
Getting the jab brings us a big step closer to normal life before the coronavirus. As vaccination drives continue in full swing across India, booking a slot promptly for the vaccine dose is of utmost priority. Before proceeding to get your jab, it is important to be well informed with all the right facts and distance yourself from misinformation, myths, and rumors.
The following are answers to some COVID-19 vaccination FAQ's. I’ve already recovered from COVID.
Recovering from COVID does not give you full protection against the virus in the future. It is possible to contract COVID again even after recovering from it. Getting vaccinated is the best and safest way to ensure complete protection against COVID. (Source).
Experiencing side effects is nothing to be alarmed about. It is an indication that your body is building protection in the immune system against the COVID virus. Some of the most common side effects you may experience include tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, fever, and nausea throughout the rest of the body.
If the allergies are not related to the vaccination or ingredients in the vaccine, then it is ok to get vaccinated. However, if you have a history of allergic reactions to vaccinations, the CDC recommends not to get vaccinated. It is best to consult with your doctor prior to taking action. If you have had an allergic reaction to the 1st dose of the vaccine, then it is not recommended to get the 2nd dose.
After being jabbed with the vaccine, stay put at the vaccination center for 20-30 minutes. This is to monitor and treat any potential adverse reaction following the vaccination. This is also referred to as AEFI: Adverse Event Following Immunization. • Side effects are completely normal and are an indication of the vaccination acting in the body. Some common side effects include a mild fever, pain at the injection site, and body ache, which eventually subside in a few day's time. Will the vaccination affect my fertility/menstrual cycle? You may get vaccinated even during your menstrual cycle without any fear or inhibitions. There is no evidence to suggest that the vaccine affects one’s menstrual cycle or even fertility.
You can still get your vaccination done even if you have an existing health condition. However, if the health condition is an allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients, then it is best to hold off on it until you receive expert advice from medical specialists.
You can get vaccinated regardless of when you wish to enter pregnancy and have a child of your own. This includes the time of pregnancy as well. At the moment, there is no factual evidence that points to any problems caused to pregnancy as a result of the vaccine. This includes the development of the placenta. Additionally, there are no hindrances to fertility as well. (Source)
The vaccines are not a risk to women who are currently lactating. Furthermore, vaccinations don’t have an effect on breast milk, its production, or exertion. Women who are currently breastfeeding are encouraged to get vaccinated for the safety of themselves as well as their infants.
The COVID vaccines deliver ‘instructions’ to our cells which start building protection against the virus that induces COVID in our bodies. They strengthen the body's defenses to develop immunity against the virus. The vaccines themselves do not interact or alter our DNA in any way, shape, or form. (Source)
Registrations can be done online by booking appointments through the Co-Win portal ( This has to be done through the authorized mobile application, Aarogya Setu. You can also reschedule your appointment at a later date.
If you have not yet gotten a COVID-19 vaccine, it is recommended that you wait 90 days from the date you test positive for the illness. People who become infected after having the first injection may receive the second dosage on the specified day, but only if their quarantine time has ended and they are free of symptoms.
Hope, these FAQs on COVID-19. will help you.
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