Consult Super-Specialist Doctors at CARE Hospitals
Updated on 26 February 2024
Cluster headaches are very painful headaches that happen in groups or ‘clusters’ over weeks or months. They are more common in men than women. Let’s understand the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatments, home remedies, and prevention of cluster headaches. You will also understand when to see a doctor for this condition.
Cluster headaches are severe, unilateral headaches that occur in clusters or cycles lasting weeks to months. They are characterised by extreme pain around or behind one eye or one side of the head. Cluster headache attacks can last 15 minutes to 3 hours and tend to happen at the same time daily, often waking people from sleep. The pain starts and stops abruptly. There are two types:
Episodic cluster headaches occur in periods or clusters separated by pain-free remission periods.
Long-lasting chronic cluster headaches have cycles that persist for more than a year without any period of relief or with relief lasting less than one month.
The most common cluster headache symptoms include:
The exact causes are unknown but may involve overactivity of the hypothalamus which regulates circadian rhythms.
Triggers for cluster headaches can include:
Factors that increase cluster headache risk include:
Since there are no definitive diagnostic tests for cluster headaches, the diagnosis relies on:
Your doctor may order imaging or eye tests to rule out problems like an aneurysm compressing cranial nerves. Keeping a detailed headache diary is vital in helping distinguish episodic vs chronic cluster headaches as well.
Treating cluster headaches aims to rapidly stop attacks and prevent future attacks through:
Home remedies that may help manage cluster headaches:
Consult a doctor urgently if you experience:
See a doctor if OTC medications don’t relieve your cluster headache pain. Also, evaluate what possible overuse of medication could cause your headache.
Key strategies to prevent cluster headaches include:
Cluster headaches can be debilitating but various treatments are available to manage the pain and prevent attacks. Seeking an accurate diagnosis and identifying triggers is key. Abortive and preventive medications can provide relief along with lifestyle measures like avoiding triggers, managing stress, regular sleep, etc. With a multifaceted treatment approach, cluster headaches can be successfully managed.
The root cause is still unknown but likely involves the hypothalamus which regulates circadian rhythms and the cluster headache cycles. Genetics and central nervous system pathways may also play a role.
No nutritional deficiency has been definitively linked to cluster headaches. But some vitamins and minerals play a role in pain pathways so supplements like vitamin D, magnesium, CoQ10, and melatonin are sometimes used to aid treatment.
There are no cures yet, only treatments to manage the pain. The fastest relief during an attack involves sumatriptan injection or nasal spray. High-flow oxygen also brings fast relief by constricting blood vessels around the brain.
Avoid potential food triggers like chocolate, nuts, citrus fruits, processed meats with nitrates, dairy, etc. during active cluster periods. Consume fresh, whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 rich foods that fight inflammation. Stay hydrated by drinking water regularly.
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