
Psychiatry Blogs


Types of Stress: Causes, Symptoms and How to Cope


Types of Stress: Causes, Symptoms and How to Cope

Stress is the psychological and physiological response to a situation that presents itself as a threat or challenge.  Stress activates the small part behind the brain known as the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus secretes hormones that trigger ...

5 September 2023
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a disorder related to the brain. It was initially referred to as ADD or Attention Deficit Disorder, and it was given the name ADHD in the ...

18 November 2022
10 Tips to Improve Your Mental Health


10 Tips to Improve Your Mental Health

Your mental health refers to the peace of mind and social balance, including your behaviour, feelings, relationships with others, and your ability to deal with day-to-day problems. How you act and res...

25 October 2022
6 Signs You’re Struggling with Mental Illness: Tips to Improve Mental Health


6 Signs You’re Struggling with Mental Health Problems

Mental and Physical Health is closely related because peace of mind is important to work flawlessly during the day. A disturbed mind takes you nowhere and gives you plenty of health problems. Your min...

25 October 2022
bipolar depression symptoms, bipolar dipression


Understanding Bipolar Depression

Bipolar disorder, previously known as manic depression, refers to a certain mental health disorder w...

8 August 2022
6 Tips to Improve Your Mental Health


6 Ways You Can Improve Your Mental Health Today

Discussing mental health issues has been a taboo in Indian society. For neurological and physical is...

4 September 2019
How Diet Affects Mental Health?


How Diet Affects Mental Health?

Just like physical health, robust mental health is crucial to lead a balanced and happy life. A lot ...

2 July 2019


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